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- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FriendlyTank.Scr
- // Jeff Leggett
- //
- // Friendly tank AI...
- //
- // Usage:
- // To get it going:
- // $mytank thread global/FriendlyTank.Scr::FriendlyTankStart $german_tanks empty_tiger
- //
- // If you want to stop it:
- // $mytank thread global/FriendlyTank.Scr::FriendlyTankStop:
- //
- // To drive a path and stop when it gets there:
- //
- // $mytank thread global/FriendlyTank.scr::DrivePath local.path local.speed local.lookahead local.remove
- //
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- main:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- End
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- FriendlyTankStart local.enemyname local.type:
- //
- // See the tank_killed function in vehicles_thinkers.scr to
- // see the meaning of local.type...
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- self.attackthread = local
- if (local.type!=NIL)
- self.type = local.type
- else
- self.type = empty_tiger
- self.gun = self QueryTurretSlotEntity 0
- self removeondeath 0
- self thread WaitForDeath
- self thread global/vehicles_thinkers.scr::tank_pain self.gun 0
- // setup our explosion...
- while (isAlive self)
- {
- self waitthread FindTarget local.enemyname
- self.gun waittill ontarget
- wait 0.4
- if ( isAlive self )
- self.gun anim fire
- wait 2
- }
- End
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- FriendlyTankStop:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( self.attackthread )
- {
- self.attackthread delete
- self.attackthread = NULL
- }
- End
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- FindTarget local.enemyname:
- //
- // Find a random target with the passed enemyname and target it...
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( local.enemyname==NIL )
- {
- println "Invalid enemyname in FriendlyTank.scr"
- End
- }
- // get 1-based random #
- local.random = randomint local.enemyname.size-1
- local.random++
- // get main turret.
- self.gun = self QueryTurretSlotEntity 0
- self.gun setAimTarget local.enemyname[local.random]
- End
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- DrivePath local.path local.speed local.lookahead local.remove:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- self.driving = 1
- self drive local.path local.speed 30 200 level.lookahead
- self waittill drive
- if (self)
- {
- self stop
- self.driving = 0
- if (local.remove == "remove")
- self remove
- }
- End
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- WaitForDeath:
- //
- // Does all the great explosion stuff when we blow up...
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- self waittill death
- self waitthread global/vehicles_thinkers.scr::tank_killed
- End